
Top 5 Plants that Improve your Health and Look Beautiful In Your Home

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Hello Everyone, I hope you are doing great. Today I want to talk about something important for your health and add a stunning look to your house. Every home has one or more plants, whether it’s a flower or succulent. We all add some life into our home, but why not place something beneficial for our health as well, basically two in one.

There are so many plants that you can place in your home that would provide you with clean air, good sleep, or more. Today we will talk about 8 of those plants that would be beneficial for your home and health.

Aloe Vera Plant 

Aloe vera plant is a very stylish succulent and very beneficial in your home. This Succulent plant cleans the air from the formaldehyde and benzene, two things found in cleaning products. As you may know, the gel in the aloe vera leaves is very beneficial and full of vitamins. Aloe vera can be used for burns, facial, cuts.

Aloe Vera is a perfect Saculant plant for your kitchen, and if you have a window sill, Aloe vera is ideal for that because it needs lots of sun.


Peace Lily Plant

Are you someone that loves flower Plants? Well, this is a perfect fit for your home Peace lily is an elegant flower plant. But, this plant is a fantastic piece for your home not only because of its look, but it’s very beneficial for your home. The peace lily is known for removing mold pours in the air. To get the full benefits, place it in your restroom, kitchen, or Laundyroom places. Remember to put peace lily somewhere that light doesn’t hit much because peace lily needs little light, and make sure to keep the soil moist do not overwater peace lily.

Lavender Plant

The Lavender Plant has many benefits for your home and your health as well. Lavender plant leaves a pleasant smell in your home that cleans the air and leaves a spectacular scent. Let’s say that you had a long day at work and you come home. The lavender plant is known and used for relaxation. Perfect for placing in your workroom or even your family room window. Some other benefits to the lavender plant are it relieves sleep, reduces blood pressure and heart rate. The Lavender plant needs lots of sun. If you are placing it in a place where you are not getting .sun light, make sure you put it in sunlight for at least three to four hours.

The Snake Plant

The snake plant is the most important and the best thing to have in your home. It is a very stunning plant and because the benefits for the home are highly needed. The snake plant cleans air almost better than any other indoor plants. You know this is because the snake plant can absorb an excessive amount of Carbon monoxide. This plant filters the air from harmful chemicals that are flowing in the air. The Snake Plant can be placed in the house like the living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, anywhere your heart desires. This plant needs sunlight but not direct sunlight. If you are placing it in a corner that there is no sunlight, this plant can grow without sunlight. The only thing would be that it would grow very slowly.

Garbera Daisy

The Garbera daisy is beautiful and would look stunning on your coffee table, kitchen island, or even on the side of your bed. The Garbera daisy is known to provide you with oxygen at night, so if you are suffering from one who has heart time sleeping at night, this would be a Good Thing to have in your bedroom because it improves sleep. Garbera daisy can be placed anywhere in your house and would look fantastic, and also, you would be getting the benefits of it anywhere around your .

By: Lidia J.

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