Living Room

Six Steps To A Beautiful Coffee Table Décor

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Accessorizing your coffee table may seem hard, but it is not as hard as it looks. Today I want to tell you the Six Easy steps you can take and have a stunning Coffee table decor that would look stunning. 

Depending on the type of Home or the design you’re shooting for, I would recommend getting a coffee table that would go with the house design you will do. For example, if you are going with a modern home design, I would go with a metal or glass coffee table to go with a marble coffee table. 

Step One: What you need to do is Finding the right coffee table for your living room. 

Step Two: When you got your coffee table, then you will need to start thinking, are you planning to place a rug in the living room or not? If it’s the winter season, I will go with a thick furry Rug, and if it’s summer, I will go with a light rug. A carpet is vital because it completes the look to get a carpet with not much focus, so it doesn’t take away from the coffee table decor. 

Step Three: Then, I would place the rug in the proper place and put the coffee table on top. Now comes the fun part. Decorating the coffee table, There are so many options out there, but the steps are almost the same. You would need to think of one thing before starting: Do you want to set a tray on the coffee table and then your decoration in the tray or just straight on the coffee table. This is a preference. I like the tray because when I need to remove the decoration, I can lift the tray and set it aside, and when I need it back, I can place it back in its spot. 

Step Four: when you decide on the tray or no tray, your next step would be picking the vibrant color that your house will have the touch of. This is to add color to the place, not much of it but just a hint. For example, if your house is Black and white, you can add Red, Purple, Fushia, Ext. This is the step that is important because this is where the pop-up happens. 

Step Five: Organize your books on the tray or the coffee table directly. You can add a small candle or cristal figures depending on what you find and what you like. Try placing different things to make your guest more than one item to look at. 

Step Six: this is the last step. You can place your tray either in the middle of your coffee table or you can put it on one side of the table. You can call it a day or place a small crystal candle on the other side of the tray to even out the look, which I recommend doing if you are setting the tray on one side. 

This completes your look, and I hope you like the steps and are broken down for you well enough to make things easy for you. 

By: Lidia J.

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