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I want to talk about bedroom décor but, more specifically, bed set and bed décor. I have a traditional brown bed, and this is how I organize it. It is very important to have a bed set that you like, and since my bedroom is dark, I decided to go light color on the bed set. So I bought this bed set from Bed Bath and Beyond; it has a texture of flower stems, which I liked. Before I put my bed set, I prepare my bed with a bed sheet. It is very important to use bed sheets to protect your mattress. After I set the bed sheets, I then place the bed set on the bed. You can find this set through Amazon, Wayfair, etc. And you don’t have to use the same one. You can use something similar, and I will link on the bottom something similar you can use.

Bed Set:

Then I started placing the pillows. Now, this set came with two standard pillows and two decorative pillows. I decided to add some color and bought a turquoise decorative pillows ad placed them between the standard pillows and the ivory decorative pillows to add some color. Then I decided to put a throw blanket on the bottom of the bed on one side and give the throw blanket some texture. So it is not just plain layin on the bed. I purchased the throw blanket from Amazon, and I will link below the Purchase link.

Turquoise Pillow:

Throw Blanket:


Lastly, I placed on the throw blanket. I put a tray in an angle, and in the tray, I placed a crystal vase that I purchased from Amazon as well. You can use any crystal vase you like, or you have at home. I will also provide you with a link at the bottom of the vase if you are interested in getting the same vase. Inside the vase, I added pink white and dusty pink roses that I had purchased from Michaels and just placed them in the vase. And I set the vase on the corner of the tray. Then I had a dusty pink candle that I set on the other corner with a Journal in the middle of the vase and a candle in light blue color to settle the colors together. I had purchased this journal from Homegoods. I will link something similar on the bottom if you are interested in finding something like it. I hope this inspired you, and you like the finished look. I will be coming back soon with more bedroom décor. Stay safe!


Crystal Vase:






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