Living Room

How To Decorate Small Bookshelves

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Bookshelves can sometimes be tricky to decorate. Whether you have built-in bookshelves, floating shelves, or shelves built around a television, there are many options of how to decorate them

Personally, the theme I chose for these shelves is modern but kind of has a California theme to it as well. You will see what I mean below!!

I wanted to make sure that it’s a simple and clean look. I also did not want to overcrowd the shelves with a bunch of little things.

I started by placing a gold flamingo shaped statue on one of the bottom shelves. I got this flamingo statue from Z Gallerie. I placed this by itself because it is sort of a statement piece. I got this at Z Gallerie on clearance. I have placed a link to some similar ones.

When you have a statue and a bold piece like the flamingo you don’t want to overcrowd the space because it will take away from it and make the place look too busy.–Higden-Ceramic-Flamingo-Figurine-X113599281-L1191-K~W002488170.html?refid=GX434218285437-W002488170_1515460317&device=c&ptid=902327232446&network=g&targetid=aud-871917142987:pla-902327232446&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=98206046&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1515460317&gclid=CjwKCAjw97P5BRBQEiwAGflV6R-9pMkdGWpO2BUzSn6IAYNVcv7ygk4fKkbZHLRfJz8HxkeZJftVOxoC8boQAvD_BwE

If you notice some of my shelves have black backing and the rest have white. The white is the actual bookshelf backing. I decided that I did not want complete white bookshelves for this theme so for every other shelf I decided to place some black peel and stick wallpaper

This was a great option because it added some depth to some of the bookshelves and made those bookshelves stand out more.

This was because when gold and white are placed on black it makes the gold and white look brighter.

On the third shelf, I purchased a small vase by Michael Aram. I love this vase because it a very clean silver and gold combo. I also feel like it matches the theme very well. 

In the vase, I placed some white and black flowers with some small gold embellishments sticks. You can find the flowers at Micahel’s or your local craft stores.

Overall, you can play around with a lot of colors and customize this bookshelf with other colors. For example, you can place Fuschia colored flowers in the vase. You can also pick a succulent planter with a bit more color to brighten it up a little more. 

So, there are a lot of colors that can go with this theme, But bright eye-catching colors such as Fuschia would also be a great addition to these shelves

By: Silvana J.

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