Dining Room

Coastal Style Dining Room Decor

Coastal Style Dining Room

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Hello Everyone, we hope you are doing great. I have loved the coastal decor, and I wanted to create a mood board for a coastal dining table decor.
Creating a design for the indoor or outdoor of the house creating a mood board I see is very helpful. Mood board helps us decide if the colors are sitting well together is catching an eye when it is not supposed to ext.

Let’s start with finding our dining table. I found a design that is just perfect for the coastal style. As for chairs, I chose a light blue chair; it’s your pick if you want six or eight chairs.

I decided on four regular and two chairs with a handle for the end of the table. Placing a runner and table decor is also very important for achieving the look you will do, adding charger plates, light blue plates, wine glasses, and gold silverware.

Then I decided to have a console table. I chose a console table that matches well with the dining table. I selected a coastal wall canvas with light colors.
Then I picked some nest candle and some battery-operated candle to place around the dining room—also, three vase size with blue flowers.
Lastly, I added a gold chandelier, something exquisite and matched coastal style.
This look is truly unique and perfect for your dining room. I hope this inspired you and you make this your own.

Wall Art


Dinning Table 


Dining chair for end table


Dining chair


light blue Plates 


Console Table 
