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If you have open shelving and want to create a succulent planter you can do so with some easy steps. I have built-in bookshelves on both sides of my t.v, so I decided I wanted something to freshen up the bookshelves. To be honest they are called bookshelves but I’ve never really used them for books!!

In order to create this faux succulent planter, you will need a vase of any shape. I decided to go with a rectangular glass that was 24” length 4” wide and 4” deep. Wayfair has some different sizes and I will place the link below. This planter is really pretty and plus you can add your own touch to your glass vase. You can also purchase different planters such as stainless steel, wood, or composite. I will also place a link for those as well.




Stainless Steel-


Since we don’t want the styrofoam to show we can purchase some card-stock paper at Michael’s. With this card-stock paper, we will cover the styrofoam. This way the styrofoam will not be visible and plus you can interchange the cardstock paper to whatever pattern you prefer.

Start by cutting the card-stock to fit the sides of the rectangular vase. This way a beautiful pattern is shown and the styrofoam will be covered.

After we have the card-stock paper and the styrofoam measured to fit the planter, we have to have a wide range of faux succulents. You can purchase these succulents picks at Michael’s and/or Hobby Lobby. If you go to Michael’s make sure to look at the coupons for that week because sometimes you can get these succulents for a really cheap price. I will place a link to the ones I purchased. You can always mix and match whichever succulents you prefer. Once you have all of these succulents on hand you can start placing them into the styrofoam.

Start by placing the largest succulents and arrange where you want them to be placed. Then you can take the smaller succulents and fill the empty spaces. Once you do that there is just one more step to reach the completed look.

Finally, in order to cover up the small bits and pieces of styrofoam that may be visible from the top, you can place small river rocks to cover them up.  You can purchase these at Michael’s. Once you cover up the styrofoam you will be left with your finished look.

Overall these succulent planters are great. They open a space up and give it some color. No matter what color scheme your house may be, succulents are a perfect fit.

By: Silvana J.

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